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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill Announces His Retirement -Join Our Tribute to his Radio Ministry

Poignant exchange between Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill and Rev. Don S. Crisp, as Allen announces his retirement from the radio ministry that he has led for the last 11 ½ years.

Allen Churchill’s message:
“Friends, as we all know, everything changes. And this ministry is no different than anything else. If you are a regular listener to this weekly broadcast, you’ve already become accustomed to the voice of my good friend, and partner in the gospel, Don Crisp.

Therefore, it won’t be a surprise for you to learn that from now on you’re going to hear Don every time you tune in, although you may still hear from me occasionally.
Don, this broadcast has been a great blessing to me, through these past eleven-and-a-half years. And I pray that you will be blessed by it also, as you assume the full responsibility of carrying it into the future.
I know that you have a serious commitment to this radio ministry, and a powerful message to convey to a world that needs to hear the ‘Good News’ solidly proclaimed.
You have my blessing and my support through prayer and participation on the Board of Directors that administers this organization.
And Friends, I want to thank you for your support and words of encouragement that many of you have sent over the years, to me. I strongly recommend that you listen intently to Don’s messages, and that you supply him with the same kind of support as you have given me.
May God bless all of you as Don continues to spread the message of God’s unending love to a hurting and battered world.
And now, Don, I pass this Radio Ministry on to you. May God bless, fully, you and your audience.”

Don Crisp’s Reply:
 “Allen, certainly, becoming your friend and being a part of this ministry, by your invitation, has really touched my heart, and indeed, I do have a commitment to this radio ministry. And I want to thank God for you, your vision. I want to thank God for your leadership. And I want to thank God for your faithfulness to this ministry.
Now Folks, if you are listening to this, I’m sure that, like myself, you’ll be thinking, ‘Oh my, what’s happening?’
Well, what’s happening here is transition. But also what we want to do is have a time of thanksgiving and celebration.
So, I want to invite you to a special event. And this will be a time of just giving thanks to God for the ministry, this particular radio ministry of Dr. Allen Churchill.
Mark this date down: Saturday, September 24th at 7:00 PM.
It’ll be an evening of being able to give thanks to God for this ministry, to have personal chats with Allen and Alma, of course, and just to be able to cheer them on, particularly Dr. Churchill.
This evening will take place at Bethany Baptist Church, 382 Centrepointe Drive in Nepean. That’s at Baseline Road, just a few blocks west of Woodroffe Avenue. You’ll see that church there, no problem.
We’ll look forward to seeing you there.
And, Allen, I want to again thank God for you, and have a word of prayer, right now.
Father, this radio ministry is yours. It’s not ours, it’s yours. And we just release it to you. I thank you for Allen’s faithfulness, for his mentorship, indeed, for his drive and his passion for this ministry. And I thank you that he’ll remain on the Board, and that we’ll hear from him from time to time.
And so, Father, would you bless him and keep him, and make your face to shine upon him, in Jesus’ name. Amen."
This conversation makes up the last part of the August 28, 2011 Broadcast, which can be heard, in full, through the link below:

Below, is the Invitation for the Tribute Event to Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill, 
Cellebrating his 11 1/2 years of Radio Ministry.

If you live in the area, please join us on September 24th. 


invites you to an evening of Praising God and
thanking Him for the ministry of Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill

Allen Churchill chaired the Committee that successfully brought the Billy
Graham Crusade to Ottawa in 1998. One year later, he founded the CFRA
radio program, Good News in the Morning, which is still heard every Sunday
at 6:30 AM on CFRA, (also available 24/7 by Podcast or RSS Feed).

With Allen retiring in September he will be honoured
for his 11 1/2 years of devoted radio ministry with tributes
and stories from his successor, Rev. Donald S. Crisp,
his GNCM Board Members and his Radio Listeners.

Inspiring Music provided by:
Tara Lee Ferguson and Jim Jarvis



Reception to follow  |  Wheel-chair accessible  |  All are welcome!

Good News Christian Ministries (GNCM) -Website:
(While on the Website: Check out the links to our NEW Twitter and BLOG pages.)

Monday, 29 August 2011

Most Recent Broadcasts - (August 21st and August 28, 2011)

Two powerful messages, with supporting scriptures and examples:


August 28, 2011
Called to Belong
August 21, 2011
The Power to Hang On

Earlier programs for the year may be heard on the following link:

Saturday, 20 August 2011

GNCM cheers the release of “Classics from the Billy Graham Television Archives”, as it also reflects on the historic connection between Allen Churchill and Billy Graham, when the Billy Graham Crusade was brought to Ottawa in 1998

Rev. Dr. Allen D. Churchill, of our own, “Good News Christian Ministries”, formerly called, “The Allen Churchill Christian Ministries”, has a special historical connection with Rev. Billy Graham.

Allen Churchill and Billy Graham, June 23, 1998, prior to the Billy Graham Crusade in Ottawa later that year.
Dr. Churchill chaired the local committee for the Billy Graham Mission of 1998 in the national capital region of Ottawa-Hull. During Holy Week 2004, he spoke twice daily for Mission Ottawa/Outaouais, an organization that evolved from local churches and pastors coming together in preparation for the 1998 Crusade. On June 23, 2098 Allen and Billy Graham met, prior to the Ottawa Crusade held at the Palladium, later that same year.
                                                          Building upon the positive spiritual momentum created by the Billy Graham Crusade, Rev. Churchill decided to conduct a weekly radio broadcast on CFRA -580-Talk Radio and founded Good News in the Morning, which began broadcasting in 1999. It has run continuously to the present.
With the special connection between Good News Christian Ministries (GNCM), through Allen Churchill, and his connection with the Billy Graham Ministries, it the gives GNCM great pleasure to post the following website link of “Classics from the Billy Graham Television Archives”:
Just think, both men have now devoted over a half-century, each, of their lives, to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!
The GNCM wishes to pay special tribute to Allen Churchill and to Billy Graham for working together in 1998 to bring the Billy Graham Crusade to Ottawa, and for the lasting benefits that it created.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Excerpt from Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill's book: "Cultivating God's Presence" - Chapter 15: "The Confidence of Faith"

"In Christ, we move beyond the casual and the mediocre to the kind of faith in and personal relationship with God that changes our worship into true praise, our work into true ministry, and our witness into true evangelism. There is so much to do and so little time to do it. Let us therefore move beyond the casual and the mediocre to a faithfulness that is worthy of Jesus Christ and effective in both the church and the world."

-Allen D. Churchill - Excerpt from Cultivating God's Presence, Chapter 15: The Confidence of Faith. (ISBN: 1-55056-315-7)

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Good News in the Morning - Broadcast Schedule - 2011- Year-to-Date

                                                                  *(AC = The Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill; DC = The Rev. Donald S. Crisp)

August 14, 2011
A Word of Encouragement
August 07, 2011
Forgiven Forgivers
July 31, 2011
Had Your Oil Changed Recently?
July 24, 2011
Catching the Vision
July 17, 2011
Putting First Things First
July 10, 2011
The Reason Jesus Came
July 3, 2011
God’s Amazing Love
June 26, 2011
The Offensiveness of Christ
June 19, 2011
Him Alone
June 12, 2011
What I have Planned
June 5, 2011
The Fear of Dying
May 29, 2011
Whatever Became of Sin?
May 22, 2011
The Richness of God
May 15, 2011
May 8, 2011
Mom’s Three Priorities
May 1, 2011
The Forgiveness of Sins
April 24, 2011
The Resurrection of the Body
April 17, 2011
Lamb Selection Day –Palm Sunday
April 10, 2011
April 3, 2011
When God Appears
March 27, 2011
A Faith for Today
March 20, 2011
The Blood
March 13, 2011
Walking According to His Word
March 6, 2011
The Confidence of Faith
February 27, 2011
Focusing on Jesus
February 20, 2011
Faith and Feelings
February 13, 2011
Taking Time for God
February 6, 2011
The Road to Temptation
January 30, 2011
Embracing Problems
January 16, 2011
‘Faithful’ (Philip P. Bliss)
January 9, 2011
Growing Up in Christ

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Catching the Vision – by The Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill - Broadcast Date-110724

The inspiration for “Catching the Vision” starts with 2 Corinthians 4:5-7, which states, in Verse 6: “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”.

Rev. Churchill likens ‘catching the vision’ to that of a child growing up in a darkened closet, then seeing the wide outside world for the very first time.

Prior to catching the vision is, as Paul described, (in Cor. 13:12), “…we see in a mirror, dimly”.

Once we do catch the vision, we must put it into action if it is to have any value. Rev. Churchill states, “A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision without a task is merely a dream. But, a task, with a vision is victory.”

Once caught, the Vision must be nurtured. As awakened ‘vessels’ for God’s work we must keep active and growing. As Verse 7 states, (7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us”). Our expanded vision must be God-focused, less we become too self-serving and fall short of our purpose.

Allen’s closing prayer:

“For the glory of your name O’ God, turn us from all that is evil, and grant us grace to put our whole trust and confidence in your loving purpose for the world.

Strengthen us by your spirit, to serve you with a willing heart and a cheerful spirit, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

Hear the full Broadcast by clicking on the following link: