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Rev. Brent Russett |
Pastor of Sunnyside Wesleyan Church in Ottawa:
PODCAST LINK to CFRA broadcast - Sunday, October 7th, 2012:
Broadcast Notes:
in the Lord
Good morning and welcome to Good
News in the Morning. This morning our theme is encouragement. My name is
Brent Russett and it is my hope that after listening this morning that you will
both be encouraged, and you will be encouraged to encourage.
There's an old fable that says the Devil
once held a sale and offered all the tools of his trade to anyone who would pay
their price. They were spread out on the table and each one labeled. Hatred,
malice, envy, despair, sickness, sensuality - all the weapons that everyone
knows so well. But off to one side lay a harmless looking wood-shaped
instrument marked "discouragement." It was old and worn looking but
it was priced far about the rest. When asked the reason why, the Devil replied,
"Because I can use this one so much more easily than the others. No one
knows that it belongs to me, so with it I can open doors that are tightly
bolted against the others. Once I get inside I can use any tool that suits me
Discouragement comes to us all from
time to time. This morning I want to take you into the life of David. If you
have ever read the Psalms you will know that David had his times of
discouragement. Those kind of times come to us all.
I remember I was a young single
pastor in the mid 1980’s. It was my first church. I was far from home, I was
far from friends. Things were not going well in my personal life. Things were a
struggle in the church and I was feeling discouraged. I was wondering if I
should continue to be a pastor, if I should continue on in ministry at all.
After a particularly bad night, -
why is it that the demons of self doubt, and past failure, seem to assault one
most after dark. – after a particularly bad night I got a call from one of the
dear old ladies in the church. Gertrude Shaw. She was one of the no nonsense,
set in her ways person with a heart of gold. That morning, she came knocking on
my door and said I was praying, and I really feel like God is leading me to
give you a hundred dollars.
Things financially were tight in
that church. Before I was a minister, I worked for the Alberta Government. When
I became a minister I took a substantial cut in pay. I wasn’t making much more
than a 1000 dollars a month. But it wasn’t the 100 dollars that made the
difference – it was that God cared enough about me to provide in this way. To
me it was confirmation of ministry and
confirmation of who I was personally. That is encouragement – the word means
“to install courage”. I took courage that day.
Have you ever been in those places
where you needed encouragement? Maybe you are there right now.
David was in one of those times of
discouragement. He was on the run from King Saul. Saul had been disqualified
from kingship by God. He knew that David was going to the next king – Saul
wanted to, no he felt like he needed to kill David.
David carried a heavy load. You need
to remember that at best he is in his early 20’s. He had already, through no fault of his own
attained outlaw status. Here is what the Bible says
1 Samuel 22:1–2 (NLT)
So David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam.
Soon his brothers and all his other relatives joined him there. 2 Then
others began coming—men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just
discontented—until David was the captain of about 400 men.
that means is that he became the captain of a whole lot of trouble makers. That
is a load to carry as well. These men employed moving quickly from defensible
position to defensible position to keep from being detected.
So we
pick the story up in 1 Samuel 23.
1 Samuel 23:1–3 (NLT)
One day news came to David that the Philistines were
at Keilah stealing grain from the threshing floors. 2 David
asked the Lord, “Should I go and attack them?”
“Yes, go and save Keilah,” the Lord told him.
3 But David’s men said, “We’re afraid even here in
Judah. We certainly don’t want to go to Keilah to fight the whole Philistine
David hears of how the enemies of Israel are attacking Keilah. So he asks the
Lord, should we go and fight. We don’t know how he asks, or how he hears from
God – but I will tell you this, the men that he was leading – they were
certainly questioning if he had heard from God.
said, we are afraid of the relatively weak Israelite army and you want us to
fight the Philistines, a much larger army. So he goes back and enquires of the
Lord again, - and God told him the same thing. So they go and rescue the city
of Keilah. So David, after some arm twisting took his men andd and they beat
the Philistines and delivered Keilah.
they are now inside the walled city of Keilah – and David knows that if Saul
finds him there and if the city betrays him – he is trapped. So he again
inquires of the Lord and asks – are the people of this city going to betray me
– And God tells them, yes they will betray you.
being David, you are running for your life. You take up a battle that wasn’t
yours, because it was the right thing to do, and then the people that you
rescue – are going to betray you. Now that is discouraging.
David and his men run again. This time they run to the desert of Ziph.
1 Sam 23:14 David now stayed in the strongholds of the
wilderness and in the hill country of Ziph. Saul hunted him day after day, but
God didn’t let Saul find him.
is hunting for him day after day. The narrator says God didn’t let Saul find
David. But in case you haven’t noticed you don’t have someone narrating your
life in the present. It is only with the luxury of hindsight that the narrator
can say what he did. He is the leader of a band of non compliant ruffians. He
is betrayed by people he went out of his way to help. He is living rough in the
wilderness, only one step ahead of the person who wants to kill him. David is
carrying the load of fugitive. Talk about discouraging.
It is
into the middle of all this trouble and uncertainty that Jonathan enters the
picture. Jonathan was Saul’s son and David’s best friend. They had made a pact
at the beginning of Saul’s madness that they would be friends and protect each
other and their families.
Saul has his army out searching for David. Jonathan is part of that Army. But
he sneaks away to find David. This was something that a friend could do. And
this is what is recorded.
16 Jonathan went to find David and
encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God. 17 “Don’t be afraid,” Jonathan reassured
him. “My father will never find you! You are going to be the king of Israel,
and I will be next to you, as my father, Saul, is well aware.”
word encouraged there, actually means – strengthened his hand through the LORD.
Look how Jonathan did that.
showed love to David by going out of the way to meet with him. He urged him,
“don’t be afraid”. He understood that debilitating effects of fear. Courage
means doing what is right in the face of fear. The only way you can not fear or
walk in the face of fear is to have a measure of faith.
says, you are going to be king of Israel. Even my father knows you are going to
be king of Israel. God has called you to be king of Israel. If God’s has said
it is going to be so, Saul is not going to catch you. He then encouraged David
by reminding him of the promises of God.
also encouraged David by saying, when you become king, I am going to be right
beside you. David, I am going to stick with you through all this trouble. I
don’t care what my Dad says about you, I don’t care what anyone says about you.
I am going to walk with you.
18 So the two of them renewed their solemn pact before
the LORD. Then Jonathan returned home, while David stayed at Horesh.
two of them affirmed their friendship – and went their separate ways.
loved David by going out of his way. He reminded David of the promises of God.
He unpacked for David, what those promises meant is that he wasn’t going to be
caught. He affirmed his friendship and then he left.
Bible calls that encouragement. The bible calls what Jonathan did,
strengthening David’s hand through the Lord. The bible calls that, helping
David to find strength in the Lord.
This is quite different than what
many people think about as encouragement.
A song that I love, and a song that reminds me
of some great movie moments is “Lean on Me.”
Lean on me/ when
you’re not strong/ I’ll be your strength to help you to carry on/ it won’t be
long,cause we all need someone to lean on.
Great song – but it is not what
Jonathan did for David. Jonathan didn’t encourage David to lean on him, he
encouraged David to lean on God. Our goal when we encourage one another, when
we instill courage in each other is to lean on the Lord.
believe that our high interconnectedness gives us incredible opportunities for
encouragement, and it also creates the distinct possibility of warping
encouragement. We can phone, text, facebook, or email. That creates
possibilities – but it also creates expectations. People should be
contacting/encouraging me.
you are one those people who are living in the wilderness like David right now.
If you are prone to discouragement, and carrying a heavy load. I want you to
know that you need to lean on Jesus more than other people. It was easier for
David, because Jonathan was more than a phone call away. David didn’t expect
him to be there all the time. But the time they had was precious.
strengthening their hand in the Lord, is we go out of our way to connect with
the person, we remind them of the promise of God. We state what we believe God
for that person. We assure them our ongoing love and we leave.
MUSIC HERE – How can truly say? Accapella
(We have seen his glory) 2:24
As we
look at our story the question is - Did Jonathan’s encouragement change David’s
situation. No. Did it help him along the journey – yes. I believe it did.
remember David has fled to the area of Ziph.
1 Sam 23: 19
But now the men of Ziph went to Saul in Gibeah and betrayed David to him. “We
know where David is hiding,” they said. “He is in the strongholds of Horesh on
the hill of Hakilah, which is in the southern part of Jeshimon. 20 Come down whenever you’re ready, O
king, and we will catch him and hand him over to you!” 21
“The LORD bless you,” Saul said. “At last someone is concerned about me!
Jonathan left, the situation got worse. The men of Ziph betrayed David. And
what is worse Saul makes them feel spiritual for doing so. Oh the Lord bless
you. You are so spiritual for helping your king. You care about me. You’re so
loving. Non spiritual people will make you feel spiritual for non spiritual
How do you
think that made David feel. Well fortunately we don’t have to guess.
54: title For the choir director: A psalm of David, regarding the time the
Ziphites came and said to Saul, “We know where David is hiding.” To be
accompanied by stringed instruments.
1 Come with great power, O God, and
rescue me! Defend me with your might.
Listen to my prayer, O God. Pay attention to my plea.
For strangers are attacking me; violent people are trying to kill me. They care
nothing for God. Interlude
David prays this prayer. It is obvious that he is still burdened. But
this does not sound like discouragement to me. This sounds like he his taking
his burdens and putting the full of their weight on God.
What had encouragement done. What
had strengthening his hand in the Lord done. It allowed David to put the full
weight of his burdens on God.
I want you to know that wherever you
find yourself God can handle the full weight of your burdens.
The Psalm then says Selah or interlude. Let me tell you what goes on in the
interlude. Saul now knows for where David is. Saul comes after him with a
1 Sam 23:26
Saul was going along one side of the mountain, and David and his men were °on
°the other side, hurrying to get away from Saul. As Saul and his °forces were
closing in on David and his men to capture them, 27
°a messenger came to Saul, °saying, “Come quickly! The Philistines °are raiding
°the land.”
So David escapes because Saul was
called away to fight the Philistines.
Here is the rest of Psalm 54
4 But God is my helper. The Lord keeps
me alive!
5 May the evil plans of
my enemies
be turned against them. Do as you promised and put an end to them.
6 I
will sacrifice a voluntary offering to you; I will praise your name, O LORD,
for it is good.
7 For you have rescued me
from my troubles and helped me to triumph over my enemies.
came through for David. David laid his full weight on God and God came through.
And it was Jonathan that helped him to do that. Jonathan strengthened his hand
in the Lord.
went out of his way to connect with David. He reminded David of the promises of
God. He stated what he believe about God for David. And he assured him of his
ongoing love and then he left.
let me just add a caution about this kind of encouragement. When you are
reminding people about the promises of God, do not give platitudes – it has to
be authentic. It is not encouraging at a funeral to quote the verse, “All
things work together for good.” Not helpful.
it might be helpful, depending on the situation to say, “I know that God is
with you, and I know that he is going to get you through this. I know that he
is going to come in strength for you.”
give pat answers, but help people lean on Jesus.
about you people? Who are the people you could encourage this week. Who are the
people you could strengthen their hand in the Lord.
may be writing an email – or a hand written letter. It may be making a
telephone call or a visit.
Encouragement, strengthening their hand in the Lord,
is we go out of our way to connect with the person, we remind them of the
promise of God. We state what we believe God for that person. We assure them
our ongoing love and we leave.
Let me pray that God will help you to be encouraged:
Lord, Thank you so much for the fact that you give encouragement,
and that we can lay the full weight of our burdens on you.
I pray for those who need encouragement; that you would
give them faith to do just that, to put their problems in your hands.
And I ask, Lord that those who can be an encouragement,
that you would bring to mind the people that they should encourage this week.
I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
May you know Jesus Christ personally and
profoundly. May the Holy Spirit reside
deep within your heart. And may the
heavenly Father surround you with His constant and abiding and accompanying
Rev. Brent Russett
To listen to
the above broadcast, click on the following link:
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeletekurt bennett - (@kurt_bennett on Twitter)
"#Encouragement is awesome. It (can) actually change the course of another person's day, week, or life." ~Swindoll
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleterobatcup - (@robatcup on Twitter)
"Neither spread the germs of gossip nor #encourage others to do so."
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteMindfullyYours - (@MindfullyYours on Twitter)
"#encourage Would you notice what you appreciate about others this hour and tell them? Notice their progress and celebrate their success?"
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteWoman tO Woman (WOW) - (@1WomantOWoman on Twitter)
Compassion is the ability to connect with the passions of others! #ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER, EMBRACE! http://fb.me/1YkCcdFey
Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV)
ReplyDelete"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."
Ephesians 4:29 - New Living Translation (NLT)
"Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteCHRIS VOSS - (@CHRISVOSS on Twitter)
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteKelly Peele™ - (@KellyPeele on Twitter)
Therefore #encourage one another and edify (strengthen & build up) one another. 1 Thessalonias 5:11 #EncourageOneAnother #JoyceMeyer
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteToryfarina - (@Toryfarina on Twitter)
Don't Miss @markbatterson book Praying circles around your kids for free on Kindle http://tinyurl.com/cetyua5
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteDepoetic - (@Depoetic on Twitter)
"#SometimesWeJustGotta stand up against the tumult of negative msgs being hurled at every turn & CHOOSE love, joy & peace. #EncourageOthers"