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Sunday, 26 February 2012

Please pray for our Rev. Donald S. Crisp

The Good News Christian Ministries posts weekly radio broadcast, and talking notes, for the 'Good News in the Morning' radio program, heard every Sunday on CFRA, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Rev. Donald S. Crisp
Rev. Donald S. Crisp, who has been sharing his powerful Christ-centered messages and insights every week through his church and by radio, cable, website, blogs and other media, has unfortunately fallen seriously ill and will not be able to continue with his regular weekly broadcasts, for a while.

Pastor Don told his faithful congregation, at First Baptist Church, Smiths Falls, that while he is seriously ill, he “already knows” that his recovery will be a full one one of three ways: either “instantly”, or “slowly”, or “completely, in the presence of the Lord”.   

We ask you to join with all of us in frequent prayers to our Heavenly Father, that it is His will to bless us with Don’s resumed 'ministering' ...for many years to come.

(Karen, daughter of Don and Tricia, is doing a wonderful job of keeping everyone informed with her beautiful blog, 'Pressed But Not Crushed', at: Your prayer support is appreciated.)

Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill, who founded the Good News Christian Ministries over a decade ago, (and retired in 2011), notified listeners this morning that, for the next few weeks, there will be selected replays of some of the most popular earlier broadcasts that both he and Don have done.

Today’s broadcast entitled ‘Discovering Christ’ can be heard through the link, below:

Sunday, 19 February 2012


(CFRA broadcast for Sunday, February 19th, 2012)
(Taped Nov. 29th, 2011) - Aired Sunday Feb. 19th, 2012
Broadcast Notes:
Issues of Life Series…‘Love Must be Sincere’

Romans 12:9-10
·         Love must be sincere
·         Love must be devoted
·         Love must honor one another above yourself

Sin-cera means ‘no wax’ meaning….. ‘no pretending’

A love that never fails…. is a sincere love
A love that does not pretend

It respects
It treasurers
It appreciates
It validates
It celebrates
As it honors the other person

1 Cor. 13 describes this kind of love as being:

·         Patient
·         Kind
·         Does not boast
·         Its not proud
·         Is not rude
·         Is not self seeking
·         Is not easily angered
·         Keeps no record of wrongs
·         Rejoices with the truth
·         Protects
·         Trusts
·         Hopes
·         Perseveres
This kind of love never fails

Continuing from last week’s broadcast ...
Tune in through the podcast link, below, to hear Rev. Don 
and his wife, Tricia, interview Breanna Bedor ... as they talk 
about a child's idea of 'love' being put into practice, in 
earthquake-ravaged Haiti, by local Christians, right here at home.
(The website referenced in the interview is:

To listen to the above broadcast, click on the following link:

Sunday, 12 February 2012


(CFRA broadcast date: Sunday, February 12th, 2012 - #665)
Broadcast Notes:
Issues of Life Series…‘Love in Action’

In two days from now we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day.
This is truly an issue of life……  trust me gentlemen, if you forget …. It will be a real issue of life for you.

February has become such a special time of the year for Tricia and myself. 

·         Our first Date
·         We both became Christians in Feb. 1973
·         We accepted our Call to full-time Ministry – Feb. 1978
·         We started ministry at First Baptist Church - Smiths Falls, in Feb. 1995

Here’s what I’ve learned about love over the years.

1   God’s love for me is

  • Everlasting
  • Complete.
  • Cleansing
  • Refreshing
  • Strengthening
  • Produces peace
2   I must learn to love me

  • without becoming ‘egotistic’
  • self-centered
  • self-obsessed
3   I am privileged to love Tricia by:

  • honoring her
  • putting her needs ahead of mine
  • respecting her
  • making emotional deposits
Ø  adoration
Ø  affirmation
Ø  acceptance
Ø  approval

4   Love Languages

I have learned to identify and apply the love languages
when loving others

  • words of affirmation
  • time
  • acts of service
  • touch
  • gifts
5   Languages of Apology

  • Remorse                             I’m sorry
  • Responsibility                     I’m wrong
  • Restitution                           I need to correct the wrong
  • Renounce                            I need to forsake this habit
  • Repent                                 I need to never return to it
  • Reconcile                            I need to change
  • Repeat                                 daily if necessary
6   Love is a ‘Verb’

Love is a muscle that needs to be exercised.

The Bible describes ‘love’
·         Storge                  -           Save-Secure
·         Epithamia                        -           Non-Sexual Intimacy
·         Phileo                  -           Friendship
·         Agapeo                -           Unconditional

7   Love must be modeled

·         Before the children
·         Before your family and friends
·         Before the world who is watching

8   Love must be demonstrated

Romans 5:8

‘God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’

When it comes to love…. Words are not enough

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)

Paul Fritz shared the true story about a family that always prayed at the meal saying this, “Come Lord Jesus be our guest and let this food be a blessing to us.” One day the smallest boy in the family looked up at dad and said, “Dad, every evening we ask Jesus to come and be our guest, but He never comes.” His father said, “We can only wait for Him to appear!” The little boy thought for a moment and said, “Well, then if we expect Him to come and have dinner with us, why don’t we set a place for Him at the table?” Wanting to make the little boy happy, his mother set out extra silverware, a plate and a cup at the end of the table. Not long after the place was set, they heard a knock at the door. When the door was opened they saw a poor man who was hungry. The little boy looked at his father and said, “Jesus could not come today but He sent this poor man in His place.” The man was invited in and he enjoyed a good meal. This family saw this as an appointment directly from the Lord, so the family shared about Jesus, what He just did and what He had done in their family. The poor homeless man accepted Christ into his heart and life.

C. H. Spurgeon, who once a year held a special meeting to raise money for his orphans. Many would come to hear the messages Pastor Spurgeon preached and they would give abundantly to this work of the Lord, which housed orphans. After one of those meetings a “super spiritual,” narrow minded, nitpicking individual sharply addressed Charles Spurgeon saying, “Why, Mr. Spurgeon, I thought you preached for souls and not for money!” Spurgeon gravely replied, “Normally I do preach for souls and not for money. But these orphans can’t eat souls and if they did, my brother, it would take at least four with the size of your heart to give one of those children a square meal!”

Tune in through the podcast link, below, to hear an inspiring interview and story of 'love' being put into practice, in earthquake-ravaged Haiti, by local Christians, right here at home.
(The website referenced in Rev. Don Crisp's interview with Breanna Bedor, is:
To listen to the above broadcast, click on the following podcast link:

Sunday, 5 February 2012


(CFRA broadcast date: Sunday, February 5th, 2012 - #664)
Broadcast Notes:
Issues of Life Series…‘Anger’

Ephesians 4:17-32

Principle # 1

Don’t take offense
Don’t give offense

Principle # 2

Was the person I’m angry with being intentionally hurtful and harmful?

If you don’t know
Then give the benefit of the doubt.

If you do know they were being intentionally hurtful and harmful

Stop – Think – Pray   before saying a word.

Anger is:        A normal emotion!

·         In your anger do not sin

·         Don’t let the sun go down on your anger    Ps. 4:4

There are 4 types of anger dealt with in the Bible.

1   Sudden Anger

Often this is due to learned behavior

Needs to be Controlled

Proverbs 14:17  
"A quick-tempered man does foolish things."
But the bottom line is, if we have a short fuse,
we’re going to do a lot of foolish things.                                                                               
Proverbs 15:18 
"A hot tempered man stirs up dissension."
Will Rogers                                                              
"Whenever you fly into a rage, you seldom make a safe landing."
Proverbs 19:19 
"A hot-tempered man must pay the penalty."                                                              
You don’t correct this behavior by means of punishment…

You must re-educate
Teach a better behavior

Constant Monitoring is Required

2          Sinful Anger

Needs to be Condemned.

irritation – frustration – anger - resentment – bitterness - rage

3          Stubborn Anger.

Needs to be Conquered

This is more about Emotional  control!

Passive Aggressive

4          Sanctified Anger

Needs to be Channeled

The issues I’m angry about are:

·         Morality or a/morality today
·         Ethically
·         Biblically
·         Emotionally


This my friends is Righteous Anger

April 14, 1988, issue of USA TODAY.

“Have you ever noticed that sometimes we get angry and remain bitter with people and actually forget why we’re so upset?

Take, for example, the notorious Hatfield-McCoy feud.

“It hit newspaper front pages in the 1880’s, when the Hatfield clan feuded with the McCoy clan from across the border in Kentucky.

·         Historians disagree on the cause of the feud—which captured the imagination of the nation during a 10-year run.

·         Some cite Civil War tensions: McCoys sympathized with the Union, Hatfields with the Confederacy.

·         Others say it began when the McCoys blamed the Hatfields for stealing hogs.

·         As many as 100 men, women, and children died.

·         “In May 1976, Jim McCoy and Willis Hatfield—the last two survivors of the original families—shook hands at a public ceremony dedicating a monument to six of the victims.

·         “McCoy died February 11, 1984, at age 99. He bore no grudges—and had his burial handled by the Hatfield Funeral Home in Toler, Kentucky.

Peter Johnson, USA TODAY, 4-14-88

Erwin Lutzer, in his book Managing Your Emotions, writes:

“We all know that Alexander the Great conquered the world.
But what few people know is that this mighty general could
not conquer himself.

·         Cletus, a dear friend of Alexander’s and a general in his army, became intoxicated and ridiculed the emperor in front of his men.
·         Blinded by anger, quick as lightning, Alexander snatched
      a spear from the hand of a soldier and hurled it at Cletus.

Though he had only intended to scare the drunken general,
his aim was true and the spear took the life of his childhood friend.

Deep remorse followed his anger. Overcome with guilt, Alexander tried to take his own life with the same spear,
but was stopped by his men. For days he lay sick calling his friend Cletus, chiding himself as a murderer.”

“Lutzer observes,
“Alexander the Great conquered many cities.
He conquered many countries,
but he failed miserably to conquer his own self.”

                ...(continued, on audio.)
To listen to the above broadcast, click on the following link: