(CFRA broadcast date: Sunday, May 20th, 2012)
Broadcast Notes:
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Rev. Brian Wilkie |
‘Meet Rev. Brian Wilkie’
Brian Wilkie is Pastor of St. Andrews United Church, Rockland,
The following is a conversation between Good News
Christian Ministries Founder, Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill, and Rev. Brian Wilkie,
the first of four new pastors who will be presenting on CFRA’s “Good News in
the Morning”, on a regular basis.
Allen: This program is sponsored by the Good News
Christian Ministries, Box 184, Rideau Ferry, ON K0G 1W0. This is Allen
Churchill speaking. Today begins an exciting new chapter in the history of
these weekly broadcasts. While we continue to pray for our beloved Rev. Don
Crisp during his convalescence, we now have a team of 4 pastors who will carry
on the programs on a rotating basis.
(Here is a poster for an upcoming event in Ottawa,
Ontario, to introduce all four of the new pastors: http://accm.ncf.ca/poster22jun12.pdf)
Today I have the first of these 4 dynamic young
preachers here with me in the studio. . .
Rev. Brian Wilkie of Rockland United Church. Good morning, Brian.
Brian: Good Morning, Allen.
Allen: Brian, would you tell us a bit about yourself?
Brian: Thanks Allen, I live in Orleans Ontario, with my
wife Erica. We’ve been married 26 years, have 4 children, and one grandchild. I
began my formal theological studies at Asbury Seminary in Kentucky, completing
my Master of Divinity at Emmanuel College in the Toronto School of Theology.
May 31st will mark 20 years in ordained ministry, which has included
service in Southern Ontario as a student, and pastoral work in Newfoundland,
Ottawa and now Rockland. I also served for a time with the Evangelical
Fellowship of Canada in public policy work. I must add Allen, that a highlight
of this ministry has been the years I served with you at Dominion-Chalmers
where I was able to focus on evangelism and leadership development, during the
exciting times of the Billy Graham Mission, and our Heart of Ottawa Mission.
Allen: That’s great! We’re going to hear more from Brian
in a few minutes, but first let’s listen to this recording of Ottawa’s Capital City Chorus singing “Sweet hour of Prayer”.
Allen: Brian you have been a pastor for several years
now. What do you feel is the most exciting aspect of your preaching?
Brian: I find the Scriptures, the Word of God to be so
exciting: It can be read and studied for a life time and still have power to
teach, transform and encourage. When I consider how the strong challenges of
modern culture seem to be shaking the confidence of Christians I remember that
saying that the Bible is an anvil that has worn out many hammers. “Heaven and
earth will pass away, but My Word will never pass away.” - (Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33) I hope that excitement
comes through when I preach.
Allen: I know that you are interested in missions. Would
you tell us a bit about the need for missions in the world today?
Brian: The need for missions never fades. God’s people
are still commanded to share the Good News everywhere. Last year I was in Cambodia, serving local
Christians there, as they reached out to their countrymen. What an eye-opening
experience! While they were grateful for our support, I am sure that they were
missionaries to us: teaching us about faithfulness, devotion, and the power of
God! The greatest failure of the church has been to become complacent,
apathetic towards a world that desperately needs to follow Jesus Christ.
Allen: Brian, you have an interest in youth. What are
your concerns about young people and how do you reach them with Scripture?
Brian: Our mission to children is a perpetual mission.
They don’t become Christian just by being born in a Christian home. Right now,
youth need to see adults that are filled with the compassion of God, wise in
the Word of God, and active in the service of God. Some youth are seeking anything worth committing to, and won’t
be satisfied by youth ministries that merely entertain them. The world always
does entertainment better! Revival always starts with the converted digging
deeper. Youth need us to live out the Scriptures more energetically and
passionately, if they are ever going to take the Bible seriously.
Allen: Thank you very much, Brian. Now let’s break in
here and listen to Matt Redmann’s “Let
everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
Allen: Brian, would you give us the message that God has
laid upon your heart for this morning?
Title: 'The Incomparable Glory of Jesus
Brian: The Scripture that has my attention today is from Paul’s letter to the Philippians 2:9–11
Brian: The Scripture that has my attention today is from Paul’s letter to the Philippians 2:9–11
“Therefore God
exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.“
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.“
I wanted my
first message here on Good News to be about the incomparable glory of Jesus
Christ. And incomparable is the right word, for his glory is not that of the
heroes of this world, nor that of other “gods” named by humanity. Jesus is
given the glory for a different reason than heroes, and from a different source
than any other being.
First, Jesus is
given a name which is above all other names! He is given this name by God, the
Father. If we praise Jesus, it is a good thing, but the praise of God the
Father is a greater thing. We glorify all sorts of things: celebrities who
impress us for a moment and then are reviled for their weaknesses. We praise our
favourite pizza, or a particular brand of deodorant! But God gives his glory to
his only begotten Son. God the Father is a better judge of what is praiseworthy
than we are. The glory of Jesus Christ is that God the Father declares about
him: “This is my Son, whom I love. I am well pleased with him, listen to
him.” - (Matthew 17:5; Luke 21:33) Because God exalts him above every
other thing, every power, every throne; above angels, above Moses and all the
prophets, Jesus has an incomparable glory.
Secondly, Jesus
is given this glory for a different reason than we give glory to others.
According to Scripture Jesus had the glory of equality with the Father, being
in very nature God the Son, and yet he made himself nothing, becoming a
servant, humbling himself to a life of service, obedient to the Father, even to
the point of dying on the cross.
Humanity craves power, independence, self-actualization, and we laud those
among us who exhibit these qualities. We glorify the rich, the influential, the
bigwigs. But Jesus is given glory for being a servant, for “becoming
nothing.” History and the Bible itself
record the exploits of men who take the world by storm, name themselves gods,
and are exalted by others for their success at acquiring great riches, and
pleasures, multitudes of servants and a
fabulous life for themselves. But God
the Father exalts Jesus Christ for becoming a servant; to a lost humanity Jesus
offers the riches of grace, the joy of heaven, and he offers the gift of life
for others.
It has become a
commonplace for people to say that all religions are the same. They quote
Shakespeare, “What is in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as
sweet!” But there is much in the name of Jesus! The name is not just a
collection of syllables, it is not just a sound. The name of Jesus is his
identity as the only begotten Son, his record of giving and sacrifice, his
reputation of compassion and grace. The name of Jesus is the story of the cross
and the resurrection, of enduring love and gracious salvation.
Calling an
idea, or creature, or person “god” does not make it the same as Jesus. None other is eternally God, coequal with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, none other has made himself nothing, forsaking the
glory of heaven to invite a lost world to heaven. None other has been perfectly
obedient in the Holiness of God, a perfect servant to his Father and to
humanity. None other has given his own life for the salvation of the world.
There is no other name with the same glory, none whom God the Father has
glorified with this name, above every other name. “how sweet the name of Jesus
sounds” “Jesus name above all names” our hymns seek to express our joy in
Jesus, but they also echo the Father’s commendation.
And Paul, in
describing the glory of Jesus declares, “let this mind be in you which was
in Christ Jesus!” - (Philippians 2:5). Have you ever wondered
what truly pleases God? Look to Jesus whom God has glorified! It may seem
impossible to become like Jesus, to turn from the pursuit of human glory, sin
and selfishness, but Good news! The very thing for which Jesus was glorified is
his work for your salvation, his readiness to receive ruined sinners and
restore them to his glory. Are you ready to let him do this work in you? are
you ready to ask Jesus to give you new life?
Allen: Thanks so much, Brian. Let’s pray . . .
Heavenly Father, We're grateful for your mercy. You call us to faith. You call us to obedience. You give us all that we need to be sound disciples. Christ is alive. We can overcome in Him.
Thank you, Father. Amen.
forget to worship in a church where the gospel is soundly proclaimed and lived
out with compassion, integrity, and resolve. Now to conclude our program here
is a fine hymn, Fairest Lord Jesus ,
preformed by the a cappella group Glad.
May you know Jesus Christ personally and
profoundly. May the Holy Spirit reside deep within your heart. And may the
heavenly Father surround you with his constant and abiding and accompanying
To listen to the above broadcast, click on the following
Rev. Brian Wilkie’s Bio:
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