Podcast of the CFRA broadcast on Sunday, August
19th, 2012:
http://proxy.autopod.ca/podcasts/chum/6/8085/good%20news%20in%20the%20morning%20-%20014.mp3 ______________________________________________________
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Rev. George Sinclair |
Broadcast Notes:
God Speaks Then We…’
Christians just
'talk, talk, talk'. Other religions and spiritualities are more helpful. They
teach yoga or meditation or cool new techniques. The Bible, and Christianity,
just seems weak and empty. Can't we improve the Christian faith, and the Bible,
by having fewer words and maybe by adding new ideas and images?
Maybe you think
this. Maybe you know people who think this. Today we will look at a bible
passage which addresses these concerns.
Please turn in
your Bible and read Second Timothy,
Chapter 3, beginning at verse 14 through to chapter 4 verse 5. I
will be reading from the English Standard Version (ESV).
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 - (ESV)
14 But
as for you, (A)continue in what you have learned and
have firmly believed, knowing from whom[a] you learned it 15 and how (B)from childhood you have been acquainted
with (C)the sacred writings, (D)which are able to make you wise for
salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 (E)All Scripture is breathed out by God and
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in
righteousness, 17 that
(F)the man of God[b] may be complete, (G)equipped (H)for every good work.
Preach the Word
4 (I)I charge you in the
presence of God and of Christ Jesus, (J)who is to judge the living and the dead,
and by (K)his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of
season; (L)reprove, rebuke, and (M)exhort, with complete patience and
teaching. 3 (N)For the time is coming when people will
not endure (O)sound[c] teaching, but having itching ears they
will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
4 and (P)will turn away from listening to the
truth and (Q)wander off into myths. 5 As for you, (R)always be sober-minded, (S)endure suffering, do the work of (T)an evangelist, (U)fulfill your ministry.
a. 2 Timothy 3:14 The Greek for whom is
b. 2 Timothy 3:17 That is, a messenger of God (the
phrase echoes a common Old Testament expression)
c. 2 Timothy 4:3 Or healthy
Cross references:
D. 2 Timothy 3:15 : Ps. 119:99
M. 2 Timothy 4:2 : 1 Tim. 4:13
N. 2 Timothy 4:3 : ch. 3:1
R. 2 Timothy 4:5 : 1 Pet. 1:13
U. 2 Timothy 4:5 : Col. 4:17
Just before we
talk about this text a little bit, let’s just say a very brief prayer:
Father, we thank and
praise you that you are the ultimate author of Scripture; that you sovereignly
had it come into existence; that you severeignly had it be recognized; that you
sovereignly had it transmitted, so we can read this with confidence as words that
come from you. And we ask that the Holy Spirit would move and work in our lives
so that we might receive all that you desire to give us, through your word,
written. And we as this in the name of Jesus. Amen
On one level,
the Bible is weak. Anyone can mock it or appear to make it look ridiculous.
On one level,
Christianity is weak. It seems to be God’s plan to let imperfect people like me
(and you) to teach and preach the Bible.
Recap last week
and the argument that we need a revelation and an interpretation from God
about metaphors and images about money. Conclusion, talking about God is not
like talking about money. We have no independent and direct contact with God,
so we are dependent upon what He reveals and we cannot get ‘behind this’ to
improve or correct it. That would be
arrogant of us.
The Christian
claim is a constant claim for us to be humble. Remember, the fundamental
Christian claim is that we are one beggar telling another beggar where to find free
bread. And so what it is, is that when the Bible says to us that we are to
preach the word, we are really, just trying to humbly open up the word; and
what it is the Bible says, the words the God ultimately desired to have spoken
and the interpretations and events that God desired to have interpreted, and we’re
really just trying, humbly get out of the way as much as we can, and to be
faithful to what it is that God has spoken and said, and we have to do it in
the humble confidence, that in fact, just as the Bible says, that these sacred
writings, (the Bible), as it says in 3:15, are able to make you wise in salvation
through Christ Jesus.
You see, on one
level we want you to know the Bible, but it’s not merely knowing the Bible
because the purpose of the Bible is not just to look at the Bible; ..sort of
like when you go to a city you don’t know and you want to find directions to
something and you see a sign a sign pointing to where you want to go. Maybe you’re
a tourist in Ottawa and you want to see the parliament buildings: You’d be sort
of foolish spending all your time just staring at the sign pointing to the
parliament buildings; you’d be far wiser, in fact, to follow what the sign
points to, to go to the parliament buildings.
And that’s what
the Bible does. In fact, remember in verse 5 of chapter 4: “5 As for you, always
be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill
your ministry.”
It means that
all of the opening of the Word, whether you’re a pastor or a lay-person, you
open the Bible in such a way, because the Bible is the means by which we can come
to know Jesus; and know who He is, what He has done for us on the Cross, and
come to have faith in Him so that we can be His, and ultimately be God’s.
Knowing Jesus
changes the Bible, in the sense that, if we haven’t come to know Jesus, then
much of the things in the Bible doesn’t make sense, as it would be actually as foolish
just to look at a sign pointing to parliament hill, when we want to go to parliament
The Bible points
us to Jesus. Jesus is what God has done for us. He sent His Son to teach (and
all these things), but primarily He came to die upon the Cross, to open the
door to Heaven; and the Christian hope and claim is that we come to Jesus to
have faith in Him, so that we can be God’s.
Just remember
that we enter the Jesus-way one-by-one, but we live the Jesus-way with Jesus
and others.
Let’s just pray,
Father, help us to know the Bible; but more than knowing the Bible, help
us to know Jesus, and through knowing Jesus, to know you.
Rev. George Sinclair
listen to the above broadcast, click on the following link:
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteGreg West - (@ThePoachedEgg on Twitter)
How did Jesus view the Bible? http://bit.ly/QXeLvW
(copy/paste link into browser)
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteLigonier Ministries - (@Ligonier on Twitter)
@BurkParsons wrote on the dawn of the Reformation for this month's @Tabletalk. Read it here: http://ligm.in/Qk5yih
(copy/paste link into browser)