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Rev. Brent Russett |
By Rev. Brent
Pastor of
Sunnyside Wesleyan Church in Ottawa:
http://www.sunnysidechurchottawa.com/ _______________________________________________________
PODCAST LINK to CFRA broadcast - Sunday, February 3rd, 2013:
‘Kingdom Prayer’
Good morning. And welcome to good news in the morning.
My name is Brent Russett. I serve as the senior pastor at Sunnyside Wesleyan
Church. It is my pleasure to look at some of life’s challenges with you, and
then bring you some good news in the morning.
program is sponsored by Good News Christian Ministries, Box 184 Rideau Ferry,
ON K0G1W0. Or you can find us on the web by Googling “Good News Christian
This morning I want to talk to you
about Kingdom Prayer.
All my life I have been surrounded by people
who pray. But I have never found prayer easy.
My parents are amazing people of
prayer. My mother still gets up early in the morning to pray. She will sit in
the easy chair with her bible in her lap and her prayer list in her hand and
she will pray. She prays for me and for my family every day. When life hits
those rough spots I will call her up, -and she will call a couple of her
friends who know how to pray – and they will pray. God listens to my mom – she
is an amazing prayer warrior. I have seen God give her some amazing answers to
prayer. (Thanks mom and dad for praying)
All my life I have been surrounded
by people who pray. But I have never found prayer easy.
One of the great places in our city
is located not far from here. It is
called the National House of prayer. Rob Parker was a Baptist pastor out in
B.C. He believed that God was calling him to take a prayer walk – across
Canada. I know a number of you have taken a prayer walk in this neighbourhood
but to take one across Canada is one long prayer walk.
On that prayer walk, Rob had a sense
that God was calling him to start a National house of prayer in Ottawa to pray
for the government. They had no money and no way of seeing this happen. But in
one miracle after another, God gave them this amazing building within walking
distance of parliament hill. They got this 3 million dollars facility a lot
less than that and it was paid off within the first year. They host prayer
teams and have seen amazing answers to prayer.
I believe in the power of prayer. I
have always been surrounded by people who pray. But I have never found prayer
I have been at Sunnyside for over 20
years. Every week, summers excluded I have lead a prayer meeting in my office.
There are usually three or four others who join me. Every week we note those
things that we are thankful for and those answers to prayer we have seen. We
will then take prayer requests. We have often seen God answer prayer.
I believe in the power of prayer. I
have always been surrounded by people who pray. But I have never found prayer
I have spent days at pastors’ prayer
retreats, and prayer summits and I helped lead a transformational prayer
movement in the city – but I have never found prayer easy.
Prayer is hard work. It is a lot
harder than preaching a sermon. I know I have preached some pretty bad sermons,
but I have never fallen asleep in my own sermon. I have fallen asleep while I
was trying to pray.
So even though I find prayer hard, I
keep on struggling with it. I wrestle to get there. I wrestle while I’m there –
because prayer makes a huge difference.
Song – Does Jesus Care – Guy Penrod and
George Beverly Shea.
Guy Penrod’s Album Hymns.
Prayer makes a difference. But how
is prayer for you? Does prayer come easy for you? I know it does for some.
There are some who just naturally pour out their heart to God in ways that
matter. But most people I know find prayer difficult.
In fact, I know that when I started
talking about prayer, the guilt meter in some of you was starting to ping,
because you feel like you should be praying more than you do. For some of you,
if I was to ask you how much prayer was enough – you would say just a little
more. But this is not about guilting you into prayer.
This morning I am hoping that I can
expand your vision and that God will enliven your heart for prayer. I am hoping
that God will prod your heart towards prayer. Because prayer matters.
Now there are all kinds of prayers.
There are prayers of meditation. There are prayers of intercession. There are
prayers of worship and praise. I don’t have time to talk about them all so this
morning I want to focus on just one kind of prayer. I want to talk to you about
kingdom praying.
Jesus in teaching his disciples on
how to pray said this.
Matthew 6:9
This, then, is how you should pray:
'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.'
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.'
Latter on the
church added, “For thine is the kingdom the power
and the glory for ever. “ Amen
– Matthew 6:9-15 (NIV)
This is a great prayer. It is
personal – it calls God our father. It has worship Hallowed be your name. It
brings our needs of the day before God – give us this day our daily bread. It
brings our spiritual needs before God – forgive us trespasses, don’t lead us
into temptation, deliver us from evil: All great things.
And when I am inclined to pray that
is often how I am inclined to pray. I have a personal relationship with God.
And often I will put worship music God and worship in it. I will bring the
needs of my family or myself before God. I will look at my heart and make sure
it is right before God – and look at my
need to walk well spiritually in this world. These things are all good.
But after years of praying with
people, I know my heart and I have heard are people’s prayers here is what I
have learned. Often our vision is limited. We will pray for Aunt Jenny’s trip
to the doctor, or safety for our family on a trip, or we will pray for
finances. And all these things are right prayers, and good prayers, and we are
praying the way Jesus taught us.
But there is another kind of prayer,
the kind I skipped over in Jesus’ prayer. But it is the big kind of prayer. The
vision expanding, faith expending, hope exuding kind of prayer. It is kingdom
Jesus said, “Father,
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
That is the basis for kingdom
praying. That is the kind of praying that brings the power of heaven to earth.
For you are literally praying that God would so arrange things here, so they
would start to emulate heaven.
That is a big kind of prayer. But
that is a holy kind of prayer. That is the kind of prayer that we are called to
So what does kingdom prayer look like.
The kingdom of God is where God’s rule is acknowledged and followed. The reason
why heaven is heaven is that God’s rule is acknowledge and followed and life
flows from that.
So when Jesus says, pray like this, “Father, Your kingdom come, your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven.”
So what does that look like. Where there is oppression the kingdom
prayer prays for deliverance. Where there is bondage, the kingdom prayer prays
for freedom. Where there is injustice a kingdom prayer prays for justice. Where
there sexism and racism the kingdom prayer prays for equality and that we would
all reflect the image of God. Where there is war and turmoil the kingdom prayer
prays for peace. Where there is systemic evil the kingdom prayer prays for transformation.
But more than that; For the kingdom
of God is already and not yet. Jesus has defeated sin death and hell. That is
true whether people submit to it or not. Jesus has defeated evil and the evil
one, even though for a short time the enemy of our souls seems to have a long
kingdom prayers proclaim the rule and reign of God even in the middle of a
messed up world. Kingdom prayers declare the truth of hope in the middle of
despair. Kingdom prayers declare the reign of God in the middle of rebellion.
For God reigns over governments, and
presidents and prime ministers. God reigns over corruption and corrupt people.
God reigns over multinational and transnational companies. God reigns over
unjust systems and over unfair practices. And when the people of God pray for
the kingdom of God to brought to bear on such things as these, transformation
Governments may rise and fall.
Economies may get better or worse. Companies may treat their workers with more
justice or less. But God reigns over all. And when the people of God start to
declare the truth of the kingdom of God stuff happens. When we pray, “Let your
glory fall in this place- let it go from here to the nations” Transformation
happens. Father, Your kingdom come, your will
be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I know this to be true, and I know
this to be difficult all at the same time. You see when the enemy rolls in like
a flood, and when oppression is long and heavy, and when the battle has been
hard, and you feel battered and bruised – it is easy to buy into the lies of
despair. It is easy to lay down on the bed of hopelessness. It is easy to live
out of your emotions that often run counter to the truth of the kingdom of God.
It is easy to take Job’s wife’s advice and curse God and die,
But I want you to know and I need to
be reminded that God is able to make faith arise even in those dark nights of
the soul. The reality is that whether you see it or not, the kingdom of God is
on the move. And when the people of God, proclaim the kingdom of God, something
Now people I would urge you to pray
into what God puts in your heart to pray. I know we can pray for all the people
who were affected by hurricane Sandy – but the more specific you can be in your
prayers the more effective your prayers will be.
Now I know that God will put
different people and causes on your mind. Some of you have a heart for issue of
poverty or injustice or human trafficking. They are huge things to pray for.
The more specific you can be the more effective your prayers will be.
Pray the truth of God in the middle
of your or your friends depression. Pray the kingdom of God in a work place
with unethical work practices. Pray the reign of God over place that promote
what is immoral and evil. Pray - Father your kingdom come – your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven.
This kind of prayer hard, but it is
powerful and effective. When the people of God pray the prayers of the Kingdom
of God awesome stuff happens.
Song “You Carried Me” – Heart of Worship
Vol 3 CD Track 15 3:37 (CD #1)
But I want to tell you about one kind of kingdom
prayer I believe God is calling our church to right now.
This is the kind of prayer that is
specific. It is the kind of prayer that prays release for the oppressed. It
prays for healing of the sick. It is the kind of prayer that prays for God’s
will to be done. The kind of prayer that I am talking about is prayer for those
who don’t know Jesus in a personal way, to come to know Jesus in a personal
I am not talking about the kind of
prayer that says God bless everyone in the whole wide world and God help
everyone in the whole wide world to come to know you.
What I am suggesting is that you
have four, five or six people that you are in regular contact with, that you
would like to see them come to know Jesus.
Maybe one of your co workers will
make that list. Maybe a family member will make that list. Maybe it is someone
who you hang out with and is a friend of yours – maybe they will make that
list. I don’t know who will make that list –but I do know there is a list to be
Depending on where you are at in
your spiritual life, your name may be on that list to. You want to know Jesus –
I would encourage you to pray. Lord Jesus come into my life, forgive me of my
sin, I give you may life. I am going to follow you – Lord and in my life – I
pray that your kingdom come and your will be done.
It often amazes me when I hear
people pray, when I hear myself pray, we often pray about the most mundane
things. We pray for doctors appointments and safe trips and blessings on our
endeavours. That is ok, because God can handle the mundane things of our lives.
But would it not be better to ask God for your lost friends, your lost
coworkers, your lost family members – would it not be better to ask God to work
on their behalf so that they could enter into relationship with him.
Prayer has a way of changing our
hearts. When we start praying for the people around us by name it invites God
to move in power in those lives as well. . But these are big prayers. When you
see where people’s hearts are and where they need to be to receive Jesus – it
is a long distance. But proclaim the
kingdom of God over them in prayer. Lord your kingdom come in Jan’s life, in
Fred’s life in Pete’s life. Lord bring them to yourself. Call them by name.
A few years back on the national day
of prayer a number was set up so that people could call in and tell their
stories of answered prayer. There were
stories of how people prayed for decades an then their friends or family
members came to know Jesus. Here is just one story.
"Hi, my name is Shanah. I’m from
California. Jesus saved me at 19 in July of 1994 and after that I realized how
much bitterness and animosity I had towards my mom’s boyfriend and my dad’s fiancée.
I asked their forgiveness for the hatred I had in my heart towards them not
knowing why it was even there. After that, I started praying for their
salvation. My first answer to prayer was the love Jesus put in my heart for
them. I asked Jesus to save my dad and his fiancée before they got married in
December. She got saved 1-1/2 months before the wedding and he got saved 5 days
before. That was my second answer to prayer. I thank Jesus for always hearing
our cry, even if we don’t get the answer right away. Thank you for your
That is kingdom praying.
What about you, what kind of prayers
are you praying. Some of you would say, Brent, truth be told – I am not praying
very much. I hear that. Like I said at the beginning I have never found prayer
easy. But I am convinced that prayer is important. God responds to the prayers
of his people. God does what he would not otherwise do because people pray.
Can I suggest to you that you make
prayer part of your daily routine. Start small. If you ride the bus, make the
first part of you bus trip – a prayer trip. You can be talking to God and
nobody around you has to know it.
For those of you who are morning
people – set 10 minutes aside to pray before you start your day. Or spend 10
minutes before you go to bed at night. You are smart people, figure out a
strategy – but start small. Prayer isn’t easy. It is often hard work.o
What kinds of prayers are you
praying. There are those of you who are saying, I pray but it is normally about
worship, or maybe about my needs or those around me. That is great. But will you
expand your prayers to kingdom prayers.
Will you pray for the places where
you see God needs to break in.
Let’s pray together:
“Father, Thank you so much for teaching us how to pray;
and Lord, help us to expand our prayer repertoire to Kingdom Praying, so that we
could pray for your Kingdom to come, and for your will to be done on earth, as it
is in Heaven.
May we see your rule and your rein come to earth, so
that we are filled with life, and goodness, and love, and grace, and truth, and
I pray for release from oppression.
Lord, Would you put on our hearts, the people you want
us to pray for. Thank you, Lord, that you respond to our prayers, in Jesus’ name.
Thank you, Listeners for your words of encouragement,
and for keeping us in your prayers., Keeping this program on the air continues to
be a work of faith. If you can help with that, please make out a cheque payable
to Good News Christian Ministries, Box 184 , Rideau Ferry, ON., K0G
There now are several ways of accessing our programs.
If you have Rogers Cable, you will find it on Channel 927 at 6:30 on Sunday
mornings as well as over this radio station.
Also I encourage you to visit our website and follow us on Twitter or
comment on our Blog.
May you know Jesus Christ personally and
profoundly. May the Holy Spirit reside
deep within your heart. And may the
heavenly Father surround you with His constant and abiding and accompanying
Song – Sandy Patti – Let there be praise
CD – Morning like this – Track 1 3:05
- Rev. Brent Russett
To listen to
the above broadcast, click on the following link:
ReplyDeleteOn the above theme of Kingdom Praying,the second hour of this week's CFRA radio program of "Ask The Pastor", with Rev. John Counsell, dealt with Ministries around the world doing Kingdom work in areas of religious persecution against Christians.
Pastor John interviewed Greg Muscleman, Vice President of The Canadian Chapter of "The Voice of the Martyr" (website: www.persecution.net).
The interview commences in the second half of the Podcast,linked below, (please copy and paste link into your browser, to listen):
God Bless these Kingdom workers!
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeletemonty waldron - (@montero_67 on Twitter)
"Pray more for God to make you fit for His kingdom than to make your circumstances fit for your comfort." #Thywillbedone
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeletecharisse ponce - (@cha_ponce on Twitter)
“@QuotesBucks: “God's plans for your life are greater than you could ever imagine.” #thywillbedone :)
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeletePayton Kellenburger - (@paytonamorexo on Twitter)
"Take my life, take my mind, take my soul, take my will. I am yours now, and I give it all to You." #thywillbedone #livingthefourth
Originally Posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteCEO. PrayerWarrior - (@Honorableway on Twitter)
Its sad when kids know the lyrics to rap music but don't know not one word of the #LordsPrayer #Smh
Delete@Honorableway It's a tragic repeat of Judges 2:10 - "When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel."
We need to do Kingdom Praying more than ever
Originally posted on Twitter:
ReplyDeletePray Always! - (@erotao on Twitter)
"The greatest thing anyone can do for God or man is pray." S.D. Gordon #jesustweeters