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Rev. Canon George Sinclair |
(Podcast of CFRA broadcast on Sunday, October 12th, 2014)
Broadcast Notes:
'Jesus On Prayer'
Today we will look at Jesus' teaching on prayer. We are going to read Luke11:1-13. I spoke on Luke's version of the Lord's prayer a little while ago,
so I am going to focus on verses 5-13 today. This talk is a shortened version
of a Sermon I gave at Church of theMessiah, Ottawa. It was part of a series entitled, "Jesus for Pagans
and Skeptics; The Gospel of Luke".
1. Truth always matters. Luke claims that these are the true and
trustworthy words of Jesus on prayer.
2. Natural human religion focuses on ME (without my heart). Jesus
focuses on both my heart and the true and living God.
3. A prayer! "Father, grow in me a humble, trusting knowledge of
Your greatness and Your glory and Your generosity. In Jesus' name, AMEN."
4. Natural human religion focuses on ME (without my heart). Jesus
focuses on both my heart and the true and living God.
5. My natural tendency is to link "proper" prayer with
"proper sacrifice" so that God is in my debt.
6. Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem to die as God's one, perfect,
complete, and all-sufficient sacrifice. So prayer is now linked with His
sacrifice for me, never my sacrifice for me.
7. As I am gripped by the greatness and the glory of the gospel, prayer
as "ask/seek/knock" grows.
8. Father, please pour out Your Holy Spirit upon me and grant me a
humble, trusting knowledge of the greatness and the glory and the immensity of
Your Son's death upon the cross for me and so draw me into prayer. In Jesus'
name, AMEN.
- Rev. Canon George Sinclair
Church of the Messiah
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