![]() |
Rev. Brent Russett |
Pastor of
Sunnyside Wesleyan Church in Ottawa:
http://www.sunnysidechurchottawa.com/ _______________________________________________________
PODCAST LINK to CFRA broadcast - Sunday, March 27th, 2016:
'Easter Sunday - 2016'
morning. And welcome to good news in the morning. Happy Easter – He has risen –
He has risen indeed. And a special welcome to those of you who are making your
way to Parliament Hill right now to celebrate an Easter Morning Service, with
the church in the city.
My name
is Brent Russett. I am the Senior Pastor at Sunnyside Wesleyan Church. It is my
pleasure to talk about Jesus on this Easter Sunday morning.
This is a special morning. It is the
morning of the greatest celebration on the Christian Calendar. It is the
morning where we celebrate life. Resurrected life. The life of Jesus.
This morning’s program has been
sponsored by Wills Transfer. Wills Transfer is a
full service logistics and warehousing company serving eastern Ontario and
western Quebec since 1945. A special thanks to Terry Wills. Thanks for
partnering with Goodnews Christian Ministries
on this Easter Sunday morning.
love Easter. I love the tradition. The tradition of getting together with
Lynda’s family on the Saturday. The tradition of the annual Easter egg hunt.
The tradition of the Sunday sunrise service. The tradition of an Easter Monday
I am
sure that many of you have traditions around Easter. It used to be that it was
tradition for women to wear new hats on Easter Sunday morning. It used to be a
tradition to sport new clothes on Easter.
addition to tradition, for those of us who are Christians, there is obviously
something sacred about the weekend. On Friday, we remembered the death of our
Lord on the cross.
Easter Sunday morning. We gather to remember the event that changed the world.
Jesus rose from the dead. If Christ had not been raised from the dead, the
Christian faith would never have been born. The world would have been very
gather here today to celebrate that which our faith is based on, the
resurrection of Jesus from the dead. But I have come to understand the
resurrection much more personally.
see, the resurrection is not just a historical event, although it is that. The
resurrection is not just Jesus keeping his word, although it is that. The
resurrection is not just a proof of Jesus divinity, although it is that. The
resurrection is not just a validation of our faith, although it is that. The
resurrection is something that you and I are called to join in with. The
resurrection is personal.
It is
easy to let this weekend go by and understand it historically. Jesus was
crucified on a cross, and he was raised to life and his resurrection was
attested to by hundreds of people.
It is
easy to let this weekend go by and understand it theologically. Jesus died and
paid the penalty for our sin, and he rose to life showing that he had conquered
evil and sin and death.
It is
easy to let this weekend go by…. but fail to understand it personally. That is
true of those who have never personally received Jesus into their lives. It is
also true for those who have lost the wonder of the cross. Sometimes in hearing
the story repeatedly the power of the resurrection becomes muted for us.
today I want to help you make the resurrection personal again.
reason I want to do that is because when the resurrection becomes profoundly
personal – it changes how you see yourself – it give you a new identity. When
the resurrection becomes profoundly personal it moves you to a whole new level
of faith. It changes the way your pray, it changes what you trust God for, it
changes the way you live. When the resurrection becomes profoundly personal it
changes the way you worship – it brings the presence and power of God to bear
on everyday life. So my prayer for you today is that the resurrection would
become personal again for you today.
I can draw you a personal picture though, I need to sketch out for you the big
big picture is this, people were made in the image of God. We were made to
reflect the character of God. Being made in the image of God meant that we
lived in harmony with God. It also meant that we lived in harmony with
ourselves. Being made in the image of God, and seeing others as being made in
the image of God meant that we lived in harmony with each other. It also meant
that we lived in harmony with the world around us.
because of the choices that we as humans made, because we decided to disobey
God, because we decided to go our own way not God’s way, because we decided to
sin the image of God in us was profoundly shattered.
to reflect God the way were created to, Our relationship with God was broken.
On the day that sin entered into the world, something within us died. Our
spiritual natures which before had been as real as our physical bodies, became
like a wisp of smoke that we catch glimpses of only occasionally, and we wonder
if it is really there. Our physical bodies started the process of death.
relationship with ourselves was broken. Now instead of living in harmony with
ourselves, we often have this conflict between our heads and our hearts. We
hide ourselves from ourselves and we have trouble seeing ourselves clearly.
Insecurity and grappling for significance are a way of life.
relationship with others was broken. We have this desire to love and be loved
and yet we hide ourselves from each other. We live with shame and guilt and
fear. We wonder if people knew who we really were, if they would love us or
reject us. And when our brokenness collides with other peoples brokenness,
sparks fly and the hurt goes deep.
relationship with the world around us was broken. When God gave people dominion
over the earth, there was no such thing as greed, or power for power’s sake. As
God is good we reflected his goodness. But as a result of sin and the curse,
work became hard and many seemed to go to war with their environment.
here is the story of Jesus. Jesus came to restore the image of God in us. He
did that by making away on the cross so that the sin and evil and the death
that shattered the image of God, was dealt with. In doing that he made a way
that we could walk in relationship with God. In doing that God by his Holy
Spirit could breathe new life into us, into our spirit. In doing that he could
start the work of bringing us into harmony with ourselves.
doing that he could start the work of bringing us into harmony with others. For
that same Spirit that brought us life placed God’s love in our hearts. Love
becomes the basis for living in relationship with others.
doing that we can start to walk in harmony with the world around us. We don’t
have live out greed or oppressive power, but we can live out of a heart that
cares for the world like God does.
process of image restoration begins the moment we give our lives to Jesus. When
we recognized that our sin has shattered our relationship with God and his
image within us, and when we trust the work that Jesus did on the cross to
defeat sin and evil and death, when we give our lives to Christ – God starts
the work of image restoration.
may be some of you listening today who have never given your life to Jesus.
Easter Sunday recognizes that Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus is who he says he
is. I would encourage you even while we listen to some music to pray a prayer something like, Lord Jesus come into my life, forgive me
of my sins, restore your image in me, I give my life to you, and I plan to
follow you. A prayer like that prayed in faith starts God’s work within you.
Song – 2nd Chapter of Acts 2:27
know that many of you, have prayed a to receive Jesus into your heart. The
Bible says you have been born again. A spiritual birth. You have trusted Jesus with your life. You
have invited him into your life.
those of you who have done that I want to talk about why the resurrection is
really personal to you.
don’t know about you but sometimes I think that the process of God restoring
his image in me is going rather slowly. I know that God is full of love, but I
know I only have some love. I know that God is full of grace, but I am only
somewhat gracious. I know that God is truly good, but my goodness quotient
could be added to. I know that God is fully righteous, I know that I am not.
is so much that needs to be done in my so that I can truly reflect God, so that
I can truly bear his image. I have a relationship with God, but it could be
stronger. I live in harmony with myself sometimes, and then other times I am
anxious or insecure or afraid. When that happens I am not living in harmony
with myself.
I am
sure that most of you can relate.
I am
at harmony with people sometimes, and other times not. I am at harmony with the
world sometimes and other times I am not.
process of image restoration seems to be slow. Do you ever feel that way.
I will
tell you what trips me up in all this. When I think of image restoration I
think of it kind of like restoring a house. If I can pull together the right
materials, and if I can learn the right techniques then I can restore the
house. And if I am restoring the image, if I can pull together the right set of
rules, and the right understanding of life, and then apply that to my life, I
will be a more loving person, and I will be better at relationships, and I will
have a better relationship with God too. There is a whole self help industry
that has sprung up around this.
Now I
am all for using the power of our choices to make life better. But the reality
is that restoring the image of God in us is a whole lot more like restoring
health to someone who’s heart has flatlined. It is more like resurrection of
those parts of us that were dead. Dead to a relationship with God. Dead to
love. Dead to peace. Dead to Joy. Dead to authentic relationship. Those things
need to be resurrected in us.
with me now to Ephesians 1
1:17–20 (NIV)
17 I keep asking that the
God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of
wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I
pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know
the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in
his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who
believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he
exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in
the heavenly realms,
me break this down for you
Verse 17
17 I keep asking that the
God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of
wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
It is always a helpful thing to know
the one that you are to reflect. But notice how you get to know God. You get to
know God as God gives you wisdom and revelation. Revelation is not about our
intellectual ability to reason to a vision of God, but our ability to see and
accept what God shows us about himself. Wisdom takes what God has shown us
about himself, and about who we are and helps us to put that into practice. The
purpose is that you can know him better.
Verse 18
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be
enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the
riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and
his incomparably great power for us who believe.
hope to which you were called. If you could see what it would mean to have the
image of God restored in you, you would know a little of that hope. If you
could see what full salvation would mean for your relationship with yourself
you would know a little of the hope to which you were called. If you could see
what full salvation would mean for you connect to the God of the universe you
would know a little about the hope to which you were called. If you could see
God’s vision for this world with the image of God being restored in hundreds
and thousands and millions and billions you would know a little to the hope to
which you were called. If you could see God’s vision for this world as he
created it, and how it was to be developed, you would know part of the hope to
which you were called.
You were called to have the image of God restored in
you. That is the hope to which you are called.
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be
enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the
riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.
prays that you would know the riches of your inheritance. As your inheritance
you are given eternal life. You are given a place in the Kingdom of God. You are
given authority in the kingdom of God. You are given the treasure of the
it is this next part that I want you to catch.
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be
enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the
riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and
his incomparably great power for us who believe.
is praying that you will know the awesome power of God that is working on
behalf of those of us who believe.
power to revive us. The power to restore the image of God in us. The power to
see our relationship with God thrive, our relationship with ourselves be at
peace. Our relationship with others be full of love and grace. Our relationship
with the world around us to be what it should be. Out of that relationship
comes a power to pray effectively. Out of that relationship comes a power to
use our spiritual gifts successfully. Out of that relationship comes to power
to live a good life a holy life.
the rest of the verse.
1:19–20 (NIV)
19 and his incomparably
great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he
exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in
the heavenly realms,
power that is working for us who believe, is the same power that raised Christ
from the dead.
I said that the restoration of the image of God in us wasn’t so much like the
renovation of house as it was the restoration to health of someone whose heart
had flat lined. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work on
your behalf to restore God’s image in you. It is at work to bring about the
hope to which you were called. It is at work in you.
we are celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It is amazing how God
came in power. But that same power is at work on your behalf.
case the Ephesians missed it, and in case you missed it, Paul has another
prayer just a few paragraphs on
3:16–20 (NIV)
16 I pray that out of his
glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your
inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through
faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may
have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and
long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know
this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all
the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able
to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that
is at work within us,
you catch that last verse. He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask
or imagine – according to his power that is in us. That is the same power that
raised Christ from the dead.
work of image restoration is supernatural work. But the power to do that work
is in you by the power of the Holy Spirit.
can’t will yourself, or work yourself into image restoration. The best you can
do is make space for God. Take time to pray, not in a rote way, but in a way
where you share your heart with God. Take time to worship God for who he is,
and give thanks for what he has done. The power of thanksgiving to God is
amazing. Let your mind be renewed as you read the scripture. Read the story of
Jesus, and see what Jesus was like.
the Holy Spirit shows you what is sinful or what is broken in you, repent.
Change your attitude and action so that they align with who God is. That is what
repentance is. Repentance is the begin of restoration. It actually becomes an
awesome thing, because you learn that this move you closer to God.
the love of God with others. Resist the devil. Draw close to God and he will
draw close to you.
you do these things the fruit of the Spirit will develop in you and the grace
of God will empower you more and more. You will love more, and be more joyful,
you will walk in peace
resurrection is personal because God wants to resurrect his image in you. The
only question is, will you make the decisions of faith to trust him to do it,
and decisions of space to put yourself in a place to let him do it.
us pray:
Thank you for the people who are listening. I ask you on this Easter Sunday Morning,
that the resurrection will become personal to them.
pray, Lord, that the same power that allowed you to rise from the dead; that same
power that at work within them will become more and more evident. I’m praying, Lord,
that they will co-operate with you, that they will be restored to full health.
ask this in Jesus’ name, AMEN.
“ If Good News in the Morning has been a factor in
your journey of faith, we would love to hear your story. Nothing could
encourage us more in this work. Contact
us by e-mail or Twitter via the web site –goodnewsinthemorning.ca
And thank
you for listening this morning.
program is on the air by the grace of God and donations of many faithful people.
I especially want to thank Wills Transfer, the logistics and warehouse company
and Terry Wills for sponsoring todays program.
If you can help financially we would really
appreciate it. You can make a cheque payable to Good News Christian
Ministries, and send it to Box 184 ,
Rideau Ferry , On. K0G 1W0.
can also give by going to our website. Good News in the morning.ca
May you know
Jesus Christ personally and profoundly.
May the Holy Spirit reside deep within your heart . And may the heavenly Father surround you with
His constant and abiding and accompanying love
are going to go out listening to a choir sing this great…
By Rev. Brent Russett
Pastor of Sunnyside
Wesleyan Church in Ottawa:
PODCAST LINK to the CFRA broadcast:
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