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Wednesday 23 November 2011

‘An Attitude of Gratitude’ – Thanksgiving Message

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! - to our American Friends
      (Originally broadcast on October 9th, 2011, for Canadian Thanksgiving)
Rev. Donald S. Crisp
'An Attitude of Gratitude'

By Rev. Donald S. Crisp
Pastor of First Baptist Church, Smiths Falls, Ontario 
Broadcast Notes:

Theme from:

We are now living in the days of ‘entitlement’ or perceived ‘entitlement’……

Giving ‘thanks’ today seems to be a lost art.
Giving ‘thanks’ in good times is easy.
Giving ‘thanks’ all the time is another matter.

Rudyard Kipling lived from 1865 to 1936.
He was English, yet born in Bombay, India.
He wrote poetry and is the author of books like
Captain Courageous, How the Leopard Got His Spots, and The Jungle Books. Who was this man?

Kipling’s writings not only made him famous but also brought him a fortune. A newspaper reporter came up to him once and said, "Mr. Kipling, I just read that somebody calculated that the money you make from your writings amounts to over one hundred dollars a word.”

The reporter reached into his pocket and pulled out a one hundred-dollar bill and gave it to Kipling and said,
“Here’s a one hundred dollar bill, Mr. Kipling. Now you give me one of your hundred dollar words.”

Rudyard Kipling looked at the money, put it in his pocket and said, "Thanks!"

What is God’s Will for you life?

He wants us to be:
·         Joyful
·         Prayerful
·         Thankful

What is God’s Will for your life?

Well, our text say:
·         Rejoice evermore
·         Pray without ceasing
·         In everything gives thanks

This is the Will of God for you, in Christ Jesus.

The Apostle Paul is writing the Church so that they can
get ready for the Return of Christ will require each of us being in God’s Will according to His written Word.

God’s Will for you and me, is to have an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’

That means  - rejoicing – praying – and thanking God
This translates into a life of ‘Thanks-Living’

Remember that ‘Attitude determines Action’ It’s a Choice!

V. 11:  is our ‘Ought To’

Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.’

After reminding us of what we ‘Ought to Do’

Starting in v. 12 until v. 22, Paul lists ‘Sixteen ‘how to’s’

This is in the context of Family
That is:  the Church Family  -  Your Family

1          Respect Leadership          v. 12

We have such a lack of ‘respect’ in our society today.
Lack of respect for our spouses
Lack of respect from our children
Lack of respect for each others

We live in a world of put-downs….
We need to return to the world of encouragement and building each other up.

My point for this message today is that this passage is not just for us as individuals…. but for us as part of the Family of God.

And as part of the Family of God we need to rejoice with the Family and pray without ceasing and give thanks for the Family of God…. for this is God’s Will for us in Christ Jesus.

God gave the Church - leaders

Ephesians 4:11
‘Apostles – Prophets – Evangelists – Shepherds – Teachers’

We have the opportunity to fulfill the first ‘ought to’  that is….. give ‘respect to our Spiritual leaders’…..  given to the Family of God…..  we must apply this principle to our Family Units as well.

Listen to God’s Word

·         Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you.
Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.                                                 Hebrews 13:7

·         Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.  Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.’
                                                                  Hebrews 13:17

·         The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially, those whose work is preaching and teaching.  Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses.  Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that others may take warning.’             1 Timothy 5:17-20

·         I urge you brothers/sisters to submit to such as these and everyone who joins in the work and labors at it.
1 Corinthians 16:16

2          Esteem Leadership           v 13
·         To ‘Honor’

3          Be at Peace                          v 13
As we travel the turbulent waters of life there is peace.

Where there is depth, there is peace

4          Admonish the idle   v 14
·         To reprove gently but earnestly.
·         To counsel (another) against something to be avoided; caution.
·         To remind of something forgotten or disregarded, as an obligation or a responsibility.

5          Encourage the faint hearted
To encourage a person is not to simply give them a pat on the back and say…. good for you

To encourage in the Biblical context is to ‘encourage forward’
To encourage a brother or sister in The Lord forward in their faith.

We need to encourage our leaders
We need to encourage ‘the idle’ – yes

The fact is sometimes we all get stuck
And we need to encourage and be encouraged to move forward.

6          Help the weak
The best way of helping the weak is by ‘empowering – equipping them’ so that they can move forward…..

7          Be Patient
·         Love is patient

8          See that no one repays evil for evil
Romans 12:9-17

V. 17 says
‘Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.

V. 19
Do not take revenge, …. For God says: 
‘It is mine to avenge.  I will repay.’

9          Rejoice Always
Here’s a truth!

When we are not in the centre of God’s Will for our life and we are embracing sin, we loose our Peace and Joy and our Testimony.

When we are in the centre of God’s Will according to His written Word, the Bible…. He blesses us with Peace and Joy our testimony is enriched….. 

Here’s the truth!

If you are ‘respecting’ – ‘Esteeming’ and are at ‘Peace’ with the leadership of the church then you will be able to rejoice.

When you ‘admonish the idle’ – ‘encourage the faint hearted’
- ‘help the weak’ – are ‘patient’ with everyone ‘ and are not repaying evil for evil’ then you will be able to ‘Rejoice’ in the Lord.

10        Pray without ceasing
            Listening to God without ceasing
Constant, consistent, consecrated listening (prayer)

Prayer is to be focused on ‘listening’ to God without ceasing.
We often think this means to ‘keep talking’ without ceasing.
Not so….  The most important voice in prayer is not yours it’s His.

11        Give Thanks in all circumstances
We are now living in the days of ‘entitlement’ or perceived ‘entitlement’……

Giving ‘thanks’ today seems to be a lost art.
Giving ‘thanks’ in good times is easy.
Giving ‘thanks’ all the time is another matter.
Too often our gratitude is dependent upon the circumstances of life. A beautiful hymn was written by Martin Rinkart during the thirty-year war to help us look beyond our circumstances and see the hand of God.
Rinkart was a pastor in Saxony, Germany as the turbulent years of the war dragged on. For a time he was the only pastor in his town. His pastoral duties caused him to preside at nearly 4500 burials in 1637 alone.
In the context of this sad situation and these unfavorable circumstances he penned the words to the Hymn.  Now Thank We All Our God.                                                                     It is a hymn of unconditional gratitude to God.
“Now thank we all our God
With Heart, hands, and voices
Who wondrous things has done
In whom his world rejoices”
Rejoice Evermore
Pray without ceasing                                                                                                 
In everything give thanks
So what are you thankful for in your life

The Hymn writer wrote:

“Count your many blessings
Name them one by one…..”

Lord I thank you for:
1     You
2     Your love, forgiveness, compassion and mercy
3     Jesus
4     The Cross
5     My Salvation
6     You lead, guide and provide
7     Giving me purpose in my life
8     My wife, Tricia
9     My daughters
10   Grandchildren
11   The Ministry that you have called me to
12   That I am never alone
13   My friends
14   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(Broadcast closed with prayer.)

To listen to the above broadcast, click on the following link:


  1. Original Post by:
    Noah Sanwyn - (@NoahSanwyn on Twitter)
    "Just be thankful:"

  2. Originally Posted by:
    Rob Ross - (@oikosministries on Twitter)
    "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton"

  3. Originally Posted by:
    Mt Zion - (@mtzionbc on Twitter)
    "The measure of our spirituality is the amount of praise and thanksgiving in our prayer." D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

  4. Originally Posted by:
    Nancy Leigh DeMoss -(@NancyDeMoss on Twitter)
    "Gratitude is the unending anthem of heaven. Think of today as a 'dress rehearsal' for the actual performance."
    24 Nov
    Nancy Leigh DeMoss:
    "Ingratitude is our first step away from God. 'Although they knew God, they did not...give thanks to him'" (Rom 1:21f).
    24 Nov
    Nancy Leigh DeMoss:
    "In prosperity, tempted to be forgetful (Deut 8:11). In adversity, tempted to be resentful. In both, called to be thankful."
    24 Nov

  5. Originally Posted by:
    Nancy Leigh DeMoss -(@NancyDeMoss on Twitter)
    "Even in the most turbulent waters, choosing gratitude rescues us from surging emotions and buoys us on the grace of God."

    Nancy Leigh DeMoss -(@NancyDeMoss on Twitter)
    "Do we only give thanks for things that are going the way we want? Or do we give Him thanks, just because He's God?"

    Nancy Leigh DeMoss -(@NancyDeMoss on Twitter)
    RT @heartchoices: @NancyDeMoss reminds us to "Get Gratitudinal" ~

    Heart Choices Posting, below:

    Psalm 69:30 (Glorify/magnify God with thanksgiving.)
    Psalm 75:1 (Give thanks for God's works, His "wondrous deeds.")
    1 Thessalonians 5:18 (Give thanks in all circumstances ~ there's that choice!)
    Psalm 100:1-5 (Come into God's presence with thanksgiving and praise.)
    Psalm 136:1-26 (The Psalmist gives thanks for a long list of things!)
    2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (Paul's example, in context of "giving", especially verses 11-12, 15)
    Luke 17:15-19 (The gratitude of the healed lepers)
    Colossians 2:6-7 (As you remember what you have in Christ, and how you have grown, let your self overflow with thankfulness today!)

  6. Originally Posted by:
    Jed Chappell - (@JedChappell on Twitter)
    "'Entitlement crushes our gratitude.' - GREAT word from @MarkCrow @VictoryChurchOK... I pray God CRUSHES any sense of entitlement in my life!"

  7. Originally Posted by:
    A Godly Life - (@Godly_Life on Twitter)
    "Be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' -Heb 13:5"

  8. "God wants us to become 'Thanks-Givers'". -Randy Draper, on
    Watch the full broadcast, (Copy and paste links into your browser address space.):
    Randy's Website:

  9. Originally Posted on Twitter:

    Nancy Leigh DeMoss - (@NancyDeMoss -on Twitter)
    "Pride is the father of ingratitude and the silent killer of a grateful heart."

    Nancy Leigh DeMoss - (@NancyDeMoss -on Twitter)
    "Thankful people are refreshing, life-giving springs, while unthankful people suck life and joy out of their surroundings."

    Nancy Leigh DeMoss - (@NancyDeMoss -on Twitter)
    "What God takes from us is less than what we owe Him, but what He leaves us is more than He owes." (Gurnall)

    Nancy Leigh DeMoss - (@NancyDeMoss -on Twitter)
    "When thou hast thanked thy God For every blessing sent, What time will then remain For murmurs or lament?" (R. C. Trench)

  10. Originally Posted on Twitter:
    Noteworthy Netchicks - (@Netchicks on Twitter)
    "If you want to find out how rich you are...count all the things you have that money CAN'T buy!"

  11. Originally posted by:
    Come Reason's Apologetics Notes

    The Nature of Giving Thanks

    "He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God." -Romans 14:6a

    Thanksgiving is here again and many in the United States will give thanks for their abundant blessings before sharing a family meal with loved ones. Television shows will air episodes where the main characters will inevitably state how they are thankful for good friends, family and their contentment. Others around the world may also be prompted to reflect on the provisions and protection that has been afforded them. If you are reading this post, you have been blessed with modern conveniences such as a computer and the ability to tap into the largest collection of knowledge in history.

    I'm glad to see a momentary repose where individuals recognize that we live in a time unlike an other in human history. Most in the western world don't worry about whether they will eat today; they are more concerned with more the opaque concerns of perhaps how they can afford the extravagances of Christmas. But I recognize that in the very concept of thanksgiving, there's a tacit recognition of giver and receiver. In other words, if you are thankful for your present advantages, you must be thankful to someone. It makes no sense to say that you are thankful, but that thanks is attributed to the laws of nature. Imagine being thankful to gravity for holding you to the earth. Similarly, it makes no sense to be thankful to luck, for luck is simply a word we use to talk about an arbitrary outcome. There's no motivation behind luck; it is by definition purposeless and blind. To be thankful for purposelessness is silly.

    Giving thanks is in fact expressing the opposite of purposelessness—you are humbled by your advantages and acknowledge that someone provided the circumstances that allowed you to have such advantages. You are thankful that you were not merely left to the hard laws of nature and the fickle fate of purposelessness. That means that you must be thankful to a someone who has control over those aspects of your situation. You can be thankful to your employer for hiring you, since he or she controls who gets hired. But to be thankful for family, friends, and the blessings of the 21st century, that requires thanking a Someone who controls the very aspects of existence itself. By being thankful for such things, one must be thankful to God, for thanking anyone or anything else makes as much sense as thanking gravity or luck.

    So, be thankful today. And if you're thankful, remember that it is in itself evidence for the existence of God, for only He can provide the reason for which we do give thanks.

    Labels: America, culture, existence of God, holidays, society, Thanksgiving, United States

    (posted by Lenny Esposito)
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  12. “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 ESVUK
